From bzfeisen@kombis1 Mon Jan 5 10:28:03 1998 Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 10:27:55 +0100 From: bzfeisen@kombis1 (Andreas Eisenblaetter) To: kombi@kombis1 Subject: Vortrag von Kazutoshi Ando Einladung zu einem Vortrag von Kazutoshi Ando (ZIB) Thema: Bisubmodular Polyhedra and Bidirected Graphs Zeit: Donnerstag, den 08.01.1998, um 9:00h Ort: ZIB Takustr. 7, D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem Seminarraum, Raumnr. 2006, EG --- Abstract: A bisubmodular polyhedron is defined in terms of a bisubmodular function on a family of ordered pairs of disjoint subsets of a finite set and is characterized by the validity of a simple procedure called greedy algorithm for linear programs over them. A bidirected graph is a graph where each arc has two end-vertices which are either two heads, two tails, or one head and one tail. Bidirected graphs are used to describe structural properties of bisubmodular polyhedra. In this talk, I present a collection of results on bisubmodular polyhedra and bidirected graphs obtained recent years.